Over the weekend, we've had greatly improved stability because of the PSL swap. The IFO range has been mostly below 160Mpc, with short times near 165Mpc in the first hour of each lock.
The first attachment shows a comparison of the cleaned GDS strain sensitivity at the 165 Mpc time to later in the lock, along with coherences from the lower range time. The sensitivity earlier in the lock was broadly better from 18-55 Hz, there are coherences with both ASC and LSC that are contributing to the noise from 18-27 Hz so we spent some time trying to address those. The worse sensitivty from 27-55 Hz is not explained by these coherences, and the usual squeezing adjustments (81463 81458) don't seem to be able to help. We might think about checking both the SRC detuning and the filter cavity detuning to see if they make an impact in this region. We do seem to have slightly less high frequency squeezing than in the past.
To address the ASC coherences, I ran the A2L script that TJ put in userapps/isc/h1/scripts/a2l/a2l_min_multi.py with the command python a2l_min_multi.py --all The second attachment shows this script running, using an ndscope template that is in sheila.dwyer/ndscope/ASC/A2L_script_ADS.yaml The first time through the pitch a2l gains for ETMY, ITMY and ITMX were all set to the maximum that the script checks, so we ran it again. The third attachment shows the coherences (with no squeezing) after this A2L adjustment and Camilla's adjustment of the PRCL feedforward. In the past we've seen that after running this a2l script we can do slightly better by dong a manual adjustment based on injections into CHARD or DHARD, (79921 80250) we haven't taken the time to check that today, but the script does seem to have helped in the frequency region where it's measuring. It has made the CHARD Y coherence worse below 15 Hz, which we've seen consistently when the decoupling is good around 20-30 Hz.
The last attachment shows a comparison of the DARM sensitivty in the high range early part of the lock, the lower later sensitivity, and currently after these retunings but without squeezing. This suggests that our adjustments did a good job below 27 Hz where we the squeezing does have an impact in this frequency band where we haven't yet recovered the sensitivity.
Old A2L settings:
'ITMY':-2.43, #+1.0,
'ETMY':1.42 }
New A2L settings:
'ITMY':-2.52, #+1.0,
'ETMY':1.34 },
Attached updated plot. It seems that these commissioning changes made the range better 10-30Hz, maybe look 50-90Hz. No SQZ is slightly better right at 20Hz.
Also attache is range BLRMs, showing main change is 20-29Hz region.
Running the range comparison script comparing the time of the best range early this morning (11:30UTC) to a time a few hours later (16:15 UTC) and currently (20:30 UTC) using 15 minutes of data. It looks like SQZer differences and violins, since its seen in broadband high and low frequency, and I can see the ~500Hz line rising from ETMY 1 and ITMY 5/6 for the first time span. That line is reduced in the following check, after new damping settings are put in. A line at 300Hz also looks to have grown slightly.
The blue traces are the reference good range time from the beginning of the lock.