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Reports until 11:01, Monday 25 November 2024
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:01, Monday 25 November 2024 (81467)
PRCL FF Gain Tuned

After Sheila adjusted the A2L gains we checked on MICH and PRCL coherence suing the injections inlsc/h1/scripts/feedforward/{DOF}_excitation.xml.

MICH looked fine (attached).

Did not check SRCL, as originally there looked to be no SRCL/DARM coherence (e.g. 81451). After the other changes, there is now some SRCL coherence (shown in Sheila's alog). We could we tuning this gain in a future commissioning time.

PRCL looked bad, the "no FF" trace as considerably changed too (blue to green), unless the old reference was with a different injection. This could be because we unclipped LSC POP 81329. We reduced the PRCLFF gain until it started to get worse again, leaving the gain at 0.6. Plot attached: changed from purple to black which is an improvement < 60Hz and maybe worse 60-70Hz.
Accepted in safe and observe sdf's and edited lscparams.py, ISC_LOCK reloaded. Maybe worth remeasuring and fitting this PRCLFF.
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