Today we ran a correlated noise measurement for 1 hour starting at 1416594379, meaning that the detector was locked, thermalized, and with no squeezing engaged for this period of time. We left calibration lines on during the measurement. The measurement was preceeded by a calibration measurement as well, see alog 81461.
During the measurement I ran a script that I edited from Sander Vermeulen that collects the full 524kHz OMC DCPD channels (H1:OMC-DCPD_{A,B}0_IN1) (see Jeff Kissel's comment in alog 69398 which gives a good description of how these channels are created). The data from these two channels was saved in in hdf5 files as 1 second frames. Those files can be found in /ligo/home/elenna.capote/OMC_DCPD/242511-102557/, and on the DCC at this file card: T2400394.
Sheila noted one large glitch at UTC 18:35, so this data may need to be gated around that time.
Edit: the resulting zip file is 9GB so the DCC cannot host it. I am thinking of other ways to share this data with others....
Editedit: added box link to DCC for data access.