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Reports until 12:38, Monday 25 November 2024
ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:38, Monday 25 November 2024 (81469)
OPLEV charge measurements, ETMX, ETMY

On 11/12/24 Rahul ran the OPLEV charge measurements, I processed them this afternoon...

ETMY's charge seems to be slightly trending up in UL and LL but looks stagnant in UR. The charge is >= 50 V in LL_{P,Y} and UL_Y.

ETMX's charge looks to have a small upwards trend and is >= 50 V in all DOFs and quadrantss. The charge looks to have risen ~5-10 V in a little over a month over the DOFs and quadrants. The error in the measurement for EX is also larger than we usually see, the secondary microseism was elevated during these measurements.

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