Reports until 16:21, Thursday 12 May 2011
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Thursday 12 May 2011 (815)
Thursday Ops Log
Highlights (PST):
08:50 - Mid Columbia Forklift arrives 
09:34 - Locksmith arrives to work on doors in outbuildings
10:10 - DaniA leads laser safety tour of LVEA
11:00 - Ski begins refurbishing locks at all outbuildings...alarms expected
13:45 - Kyle vents vertex.  He also turned off "ASC-HV."
14:39 - Monarch Metal arrives for Ski, delivered to warehouse
15:00 - Will Scott arrives for Richard
15:30 - Delivery from Mid Columbia Engineering to LVEA high bay
Morning drop-in and 16:00 tours today.
Dust Report (attached): #3 and #4 are ~flat-line.  Big spike at ~14:00-15:00 PST.
Intersection of WA-240 + Rt. 10: Jack-knifed tractor-trailer.
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