H1 will be thermalized right around the Sat Calibration time of 1930utc (1130am PDT). L1 has been down due to a frontend crash/chassis swap this morning, so will jump on this down time to get the calibration run for H1. Louis Dartez wanted operators to continue running the new/non-standard simulines measurement (noted below).
Measurement NOTES:
- Following instructions (link).....EXCEPT: Again for simulines measurement, run this file per Louis D.'s request:
- " gpstime;python /ligo/groups/cal/src/simulines/simulines/simuLines.py -i /ligo/groups/cal/H1/simulines_settings/newDARM_20231221/settings_h1_20241005_lowerPcal_higherPUM.ini;gpstime "
- H1 at NLN for for over ~3hrs
- Calibration_Monitor medm screenshot is attached
- 1930-2002 Out of Observing for CALIBRATION
- 1931 - 1936 Broadband measurement run
- Measurement at: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_BB/
- 1936-2000 Simullines measurement
- Before starting this measurement, Commissioners took H1 to No SQUEEZING, and then we started simulines
- gps START time: 1417030617.990077
- gps STOP time: 1417032042.257816
- Files writtten to subfolders here: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements
- Let commissioners know when calibration was complete and they brough back squeezing
- Then ISC_LOCK was taken back to NLN for commissioning