TITLE: 12/01 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 154Mpc
Just had a ~19.5hr lock! (was hoping we'd make it past 22.5hrs for a new record since the new NPRO swap)
Other than that a fairly quiet shift. (I'm under the weather and having TJ tag in.)
- 1800 - 1913 cdslogin computer issues (pseudo-operational, but not sending text alerts)---Dave caught this and been walking me through his investigations via TeamSpeak.
- ~1900 Noticed that nuc28's LockClock crashed (i.e. disappeared). Reran nuc28 launch script; but this restarts the clock. (currently says 20min, but should be 16hrs 32min)
- 2211 LOCKLOSS (after a ~19.5 hr lock)
- Locking: INCREASE FLASHES needed on x & y. intervened to go to check mich fringes since it was a long-ish lock. PRMI looked decent with flashes and within a couple minutes it locked---now handing over to TJ.