Sheila, Dripta, Camilla. Repeat of 78776
Turned off H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET with ramp time at 10s. Offset off made the FCC drop ~2%. See attached plot. Left H1:LSC-SRCL1_OFFSET off.
Turned SRC1 ASC loops inputs off (would have quickly with ramptime 0.1s turned off offsets too but offsets were already off). Set the ramp to 10s, turn gain to 0, clear history, gain back to 4.
We then started stepping SRM Y in steps of 0.5. This was too big, we lost lock (sorry). It seems we actually moved 500+ urad rather than the expected 0.5urad and this caused a lockloss <0.5s latter, plot attached. Sorry. I moved the alignment slides back while Oli was locking as they are getting SRM saturations.
We would have aimed to increase H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_F_C_OUTPUT with SRM moved (SRC2 was left closed and would have moved SR2 to compensate). Then this SRM location could have been used as the SRSCL1 ASC offsets. Then we could have taken a SQZ FIS dataset (eg 80318) to find the best SRCL offset.