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Reports until 22:00, Sunday 01 December 2024
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Sunday 01 December 2024 - last comment - 14:26, Monday 02 December 2024(81569)
Ops Eve Shift End

TITLE: 12/02 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 142Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: A long relock today from DRMI locking struggles and lock losses at Transition_From_ETMX. Once back up to observing the range hasn't been very stable, hovering between 140-150Mpc. I was waiting for a drop in triple coincidence before trying to tune squeezing, but that didn't happen before the end of my shift. The 15-50Hz area in particular looks especially poor.

Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:54, Monday 02 December 2024 (81577)

Plot of range and glitches attached.

It didn't look like the explicitly squeezing was the issue last night when the range was low as SQZ was stable, sqz plot. The range seemed to correct itself on it's own as we stayed in Observing. If it happens agin, we could have gone to NoSQZ or FIS to check it's not backscatter from SQZ of FC.

Oli and I ran a Bruco during the low range time, bruco website, but Shiela noted that the noise looks un-stationary like scatter so that a bruco isn't the best way of finding the cause.

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ryan.crouch@LIGO.ORG - 13:13, Monday 02 December 2024 (81584)ISC

I ran a range comparison using 50 minutes of data from a time in the middle of the bad range and a time after it stops with good range. Excess noise looks to be mostly below 100 Hz for sensmon, for DARM the inflection point looks to be at 60Hz and there is broadband noise but low frequency again seems larger.

I also checked these same times in my "Misaligned" GUI that compares SUS top mass osems, witness sensors, and OPLEVS avg motion to compare alignments for relocking and to look for drifts. It doesn't look all that useful here, the whole IFO is moving together throughout the lock. I ran it for seperate times within the good range block as well and it look pretty much the same.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 13:32, Monday 02 December 2024 (81586)OpsInfo

As discussed in today's commissioning meeting, if this low range with glitches on Omicron at low frequency happens again, can the operator take SQZ_MANAGER to NO_SQUEEZING for 10 minutes so that we can check this isn't caused by backscatter from something in HAM7/8. Tagging OpsInfo.

derek.davis@LIGO.ORG - 13:41, Monday 02 December 2024 (81587)DetChar, SQZ

Runs of HVeto on this data stretch indicate extremely high correlations between strain glitches and glitches in SQZ FC channels. The strongest correlation was found with H1:SQZ-FC_LSC_DOF2_OUT_DQ.  

The full HVeto results can be seen here: https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~detchar/hveto/day/20241202/1417132818-1417190418/

An example of H1 strain data and the channel highlighted by HVeto can be seen in the following attached plots: 

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oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - 14:26, Monday 02 December 2024 (81588)DetChar, TCS

Derek also so kindly ran lasso for that time period (link to lasso run) and the top correlated channel is  H1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_ISS_CTRL2_OUT_DQ. Back in May we were seeing correlations between drops in range, FC alignment, and the values in this same TCS channel(78089). Here's a screenshot of the range vs that channel - the TCS channel matches with how it was looking back in May. As stated in that May alog thread, the cable for this channel was and is still unplugged :(

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