Reports until 16:36, Monday 02 December 2024
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Monday 02 December 2024 (81591)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 12/03 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 157Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY:  Currently Observing at 157Mpc and have been Locked for 4.5 hours. Today we had some trouble getting DRMI to lock, and a lockloss from TRANSITION_FROM_ETMX, but nothing too difficult to fix and bypass.


15:30 Observing at 157Mpc and have been Locked for over 2 hours

16:33 Out of Observing for Commissioning
16:58 Lockloss due to commissioning activities
    - During relocking, stopped at DRMI_LOCKED_CHECK_ASC because SRM M3 and M1 LF/RT were railed. Clearing SRCL1 history fixed M3, but not M1 LF/RT. We cleared the history on the M1 locking filters, leading to a lockloss and SRM trip. This issue happened because during the commissioning before the lockloss, SRM was accidentally moved so far out of alignment that during DRMI, ISC_LOCK thought that the lock it caught was DRMI when it was actually PRMI, which caused it to push super hard on SRM
    - Lockloss from LOWNOISE_ESD_ETMX
        - Next time we finished TRANSITION_FROM_ETMX, I waited 9 seconds after it completed before moving on to LOWNOISE_ESD_ETMX
    - Multiple locklosses from lower states like ALS and IR

20:08 Observing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
16:16 FAC Karen OptLab/VacPrep n Tech clean 16:42
18:05 FAC Karen MY n Tech clean 18:58
18:54 VAC Jordan, Gerardo LVEA n Moving leak cart 19:33
22:34   RyanC OpticsLab n Testing blues 23:36
23:15 FAC Tyler Along XARM n Taking inventory 00:29