FAMIS 28455, last checked in alog81106
Only things of note on these trends are that the ITMX spherical power has been dropping for the past week and a half, which Camilla agrees looks strange, and the ITMY SLED power has reached the lower limit of 1, so it will need replacing soon. Everything else looks normal compared to last check.
Two plots, one with the ITMX V, P, Y OSEMs in the same time frame as with Ryan's plots. This could make me believe that the spherical power is just from the normal ITMX movement. The second plot is a year+ trend and I'd say that it shows this is normal movement.
What caught my eye with these plots is thst CO2Y power has increased in the last few weeks. We've that happen after it warms up and relocks, but this seems to be trending that way after a few relocks. Not sure how to explain that one.
Also, it looks like th flow for CO2X isn't as stable at Y, worth keeping an eye on.
Although ITMY POWERMON is below 1 (trend), the powermon seems to read lower than ITMX, see 73371 where they were last swapped in October 2023, both fibers had 2.5mW out but SLEDPOWERMON recorded 5 vs 3.
I checked that the data still makes sense and isn't considerably noisier: now vs after replacement. Maybe we can stretch out the life of the SLEDs for the end of O4 but should keep an eye on them.
You can see that the spherical power form ITMX is offset from zero so we should take new references soon.