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Reports until 16:16, Thursday 05 December 2024
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:16, Thursday 05 December 2024 (81628)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 12/06 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 155Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: The day started with Calibration and commissioning, with a commissioning lock loss. Recovery was striaght forward, then a large 7.0 earthquake off the coast of CA took us down for 4 hours. Recovery here was also straight forward. Observing for 1.5 hours.

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
16:34 PEM Robert LVEA n Turning on measurement devices 16:51
18:44 VAC Travis, Janos CER n Getting supplies 18:51
18:54 EE Fil LVEA YES Checking picomotors 19:24
19:11 FAC Tyler CS n Forklifting around CS 20:33
19:35 PEM Robert LVEA YES Setting up viewport measurements 22:27
19:41 SUS Sheila, Oli CR n Quad moves 20:11
20:43 VAC Jordan LVEA Yes Looking for parts 20:49
22:09 PSL Jason LVEA Yes Grabbing a part 22:19
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.