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Reports until 12:09, Sunday 08 December 2024
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:09, Sunday 08 December 2024 (81682)
OPS Day Midshift Update

While the microseism has gone down a small bit, locking has still been difficult due to EQs.

First, there were two back to back EQs (mag 4s and 5s) that killed a potential lock at near NLN (LASER_NOISE_SUPPRESSION)

Then, we got to NLN and were OBSERVING for 36 mins but another two back to back (mag 4s and 5s) caused a lockloss.

Finally, just now while relocking, another two higher 6.5 mag and 6.3 mag EQs from Japan are coming through.

All of this is made much worse due to the already over 1 um/s secondary microseism.

As such, I will bring H1 to DOWN and ENVIRONMENT and wait until the Earth rings down a bit.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.