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Reports until 21:38, Sunday 08 December 2024
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:38, Sunday 08 December 2024 (81688)
In-Lock SUS Charge Measurements for December 3rd FAMIS + script issue fixed

Closes FAMIS#28382, last checked 80571

Here are December 3rd's plots for ITMX, ITMY, ETMX, and ETMY. There are no new points for ITMX since the coherence for the bias drive bias off measurement was 0.07, which is below the threshold of 0.1 that we have set. We had previously concluded (79597) that this may be because of no charge build-up on the test mass, assuming that we are calculating our coherences correctly.

Previous issue with measurement processing script:

There had been some issues with processing the In-Lock SUS Charge Measurements for this past week, so I looked at the script and was able to fix the issue.
Originally, the way that the script would figure out whether it needs to run a measurement or whether it had already been processed is that it would make a list of all the measurements that occurred during the entered time period (default is the past month) and a list of all processed measurements that occurred during the entered time period, and then uses nested for loops to check whether a processed file existed for each data file. That normally works fine, but in this case, the last time we had gotten and processed measurements was over one month ago, so when the script tried making a list of the processed files from within the last month, there weren't any and the list was blank. Then when it tried to iterate over each data file and then over each processed file, it would skip the entire processed file iteration because the list was empty.

The range over which it looks for unprocessed files can be changed or set to look at all files in each directory, but that shouldn't be required in this/most cases, so I edited the script. I added in a catch for when the coefficient file list is empty, for it to run all measurements in the data directory list. This update works and has been committed to svn.

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