Reports until 22:44, Sunday 08 December 2024
H1 General (SQZ)
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:44, Sunday 08 December 2024 - last comment - 14:38, Monday 09 December 2024(81690)
Ops Eve Shift End

TITLE: 12/09 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Earthquake
SHIFT SUMMARY: Currently Observing without squeezing and have been Locked for 1 hour.
All thoughout the day we haven't been able to lock because of many earthquakes, but in the last hour I was finally able to relock the IFO without us losing lock from ground motion.
When we got to NLN we couldn't go into Observing because the squeezer PMC wouldn't lock - the message said "Cannot lock PMC. Check SQZ laser power". Last time this happened we were just able to get it to lock by re-requesting LOCKED for the PMC guardian, but this time it didn't work. I called Camilla, and we saw that although the PZT thought it was scanning to try and lock, the PZT volts were not changing and were just sitting out of range, around -12 volts, and that 10 hours ago something had happened to the PZT volts where they suddently glitched down to over -200, which is much lower than they ever go.
We weren't able to get it back working so we used Ryan Short's script to change the nominal sqz states. I accepted the sdfs, and we went to Observing at 06:31 UTC. Here is Camilla's alog with an ndscope. tagging SQZ

22:32 Started an initial alignment
22:58 Initial alignment done, relocking
    - Lockloss from LOCKING_ARMS_GREEN
    - Lockloss from OFFLOAD_DRMI_ASC
    - Lockloss from ENGAGE_ASC_FOR_FULL_IFO
    - Lockloss from RESONANCE due to large EQ hitting
00:23 Put IFO in DOWN to wait out earthquake
- HAM2, HAM3, HAM5 ISI tripped
- IM2 tripped

02:58 Started an initial alignment
03:22 Initial alignment done, relocking
    - Lockloss from PREP_DC_READOUT_TRANSITION due to earthquake
03:43 Sitting in DOWN while earthquake passes

04:48 Trying to relock
    - Issues getting PMC to lock - see above
06:31 Observing without squeezing

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Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:06, Monday 09 December 2024 (81696)SQZ

As SQZ_ANG_ADJUST guardian had a conditional for the nominal state depending on sqzparams.use_sqz_angle_adjus, the observation without squeezing code doesn't change it and we edited ourselves.

 Now we've been observing for months using this state, I'm removing the conditional so it is always 'nominal = 'ADJUST_SQZ_ANG_ADF'' and adding a note to change this in sqzparams.

I will ask Ryan to change the permissions so we can have SQZ_ANG_ADUST included in his script.

ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - 14:38, Monday 09 December 2024 (81706)SQZ

I've fixed the group permissions on the script to be 'controls' and added the SQZ_ANG_ADJUST node to be updated along with the others with a nominal up state of 'ADJUST_SQZ_ANG_ADF'.

I also added several models to the sqz_models list in the script that will allow for SDF diffs when going to the no-SQZ configuration. Since the IFO will be observing in a non-nominal configuration, the intent is to not accept SDF diffs associated with this temporary change. The full list of models that will now be excluded is as follows:

  • sqz
  • syscssqz
  • ascsqzifo
  • ascsqzfc
  • susfc2