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Reports until 13:42, Monday 09 December 2024
joshua.freed@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:42, Monday 09 December 2024 (81702)
SR2 OSEM Noise Injections

J. Freed,

SR2 M1 stage bosems (speciffically T2, T3) show strong coupling below 20Hz

Today I did damping loop injections on all 6 BOSEMs on the  M1. This is a continuation of the work done previously for ITMX, ITMY, PR2, PR3, PRM

As with PRM, gains of 300 and 600 were collected (300 is labled as ln or L).

The plots, code, and flagged frequencies are located at /ligo/home/joshua.freed/bosem/SR2/scripts. While the diaggui files are at /ligo/home/joshua.freed//bosem/SR2/data.

I used part of Elennas code (80862) to produce some of my plots /ligo/home/joshua.freed/bosem/SR2/scripts/osem_budgeting.py. Also used Sheila code located under /ligo/home/joshua.freed/bosem/SR2/scripts/osem_budgeting.py to produce the sum of all contributions
SR2_OSEM_darm_NoSum.png Shows SR2 M1 bosems contribution to DARM at 600 amplitude on each bosems excitation channel. Only T2 and T3 seem to have a noticible effect. The interferometer was very noisy around this time with low range but the high excitation amplitude of 600 should account for this.
SR2_OSEM_darm_NoSum_ln.png Shows SR2 M1 bosems contribution to DARM at 300 amplitude to check for false flages like PRM. This same result for the flags suggests these flags were indeed caused by the SR2 injections
main.png Shows the current version of the sum of the BOSEM contributions. Only PR3, PRM, and SR2 are included so far.
GPS Times of injections (reference number in diaggui files)
Background time: 1417796240 (ref0 DARM, ref1 LF_out, ref2 RT_out, ref3 SD_out, ref4 T1_out, ref5 T2_out, ref6 T3_out)
LFL time:     1417795581          (ref7 DARM, ref8 LF_out)
LF time:     1417795740            (ref9 DARM, ref10 LF_out)
RTL time:      1417795870       (ref11 DARM, ref12 RT_out)
RT time:       1417796240       (ref13 DARM, ref14 RT_out)
SDL time:     1417796371      (ref15 DARM, ref16 SD_out)
SD time:        1417796514        (ref17 DARM, ref18 SD_out)
T1L time:       1417796649       (ref19 DARM, ref20 T1_out)
T1 time:       1417796768        (ref21 DARM, ref22 T1_out)
T2L time:     1417796915        (ref23 DARM, ref24 T2_out)
T2 time:        1417797034       (ref25 DARM, ref26 T2_out)
T3L time:     1417797183        (ref27 DARM, ref28 T3_out)
T3 time:       1417797298              (ref29 DARM, ref30 T3_out)
Background time 2:       1417797420         (ref 31 DARM)
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