Reports until 17:12, Monday 09 December 2024
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Monday 09 December 2024 (81712)
WP 12239 Initial work, installing new VM hypervisor and starting to transfer VMs off of cdsproxmox
Erik, Jonathan, and Tony,

As per WP 12239 we installed a new hypervisor machine, cdsproxmox2.  Erik and Tony racked a spare system in the server3 rack.  We configured the sw-msr-server3 switch to support the new hypervisor using ports 47 & 48.

We installed the same proxmox ve version that runs the current cluster via a bootable iso image.  The install went very smoothly.  We did a simple local install with zfs zraid and 3x2TB disks.  We were able to quickly add it to the cluster by using the cluster management page and the 'join cluster' command.

Some notes of extra steps we needed to do:

 * Add the proper proxmox apt-source (the no-subscription version)
 * Install the ifupdown2 package (after setting up the apt-source)
 * Then we could enable the 2nd ethernet port and create the VMs main ethernet bridge
   * eno2 was configured to autostart, no ip address
   * vmbr1 was configured  to autostart, no ip address, vlan aware, and it is associated with eno2

Then we could migrate some VMs.  We have moved ldap servers, a development machine, our conda mirror (in process) (these can be moved without disturbing the control room).

The point of this work is to provide enough physical hardware to be able to turn off one of the other hypervisors for maintenance work.  Cdsproxmox has disk issues.

This work will continue tomorrow.