Reports until 16:40, Tuesday 10 December 2024
LHO General
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Tuesday 10 December 2024 (81749)
Ops Day Shift Summary

TITLE: 12/11 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Preventive Maintenance
SHIFT SUMMARY: Long maintenance day with a great many activities wrapped up late afternoon and initial alignment started around 23:40. The biggest issue we've encountered is that the FSS autolocker is having trouble locking the RefCav; it can grab the resonance but loses it after about a second, so it's been taking quite a while to lock (I manually did it twice this afternoon to speed things along). However, if the FSS is locked, it seems happy, the only issue appears to be with relocking. Otherwise, initial alignment ran smoothly and main locking started at 00:24. Currently up to PREP_ASC_FOR_FULL_IFO.

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
15:40 PEM Robert LVEA Y Viewports 15:52
15:41 TCS Camilla LVEA Y Guillotines 15:52
15:58 FAC Chris EndY then X N Check paths are clear for crane inspections 18:27
16:00 PEM Robert LVEA Y Viewports 16:04
16:02 FAC Nelly FCES N Tech clean 16:51
16:03 FAC Karen EndY N->Y Tech clean 16:51
16:03 FAC Kim EndX N Tech clean 17:10
16:03 CAL Tony, Dripta, Francisco PCAL lab LOCAL Grab measurement equipment 16:10
16:11 CAL Tony, Dripta EndY Y PCAL measurement 19:30
16:12 PEM Robert LVEA Y Viewports, in and out till ~16:30 16:16
16:14 OPS Camilla LVEA Y -> N LASER transition 16:35
16:15 CDS Jonathan, Dave Remote N OAF0 work, virtual machines, H0 will go down 22:06
16:24 VAC Jordan Mech room N Start up purge air 16:49
16:46 FAC/OPS Richard LVEA N Walkaround 17:01
16:52 PSL Jason, RyanS PSL enc Y PMC mode matching 19:21
16:53 FAC Tyler LVEA N Crane inspections 19:51
17:13 EE Fil HAM7 N VAC gauge, out at 19:00 19:48
17:13 VAC Janos, Jordan Ends N Mech room pump checks 18:09
17:29 FAC Kim LVEA N Tech clean 19:02
17:37 EE Marc, Fernando LVEA N ISC picomotors inspection in at 18:18 19:07
17:54 FAC Eric EndX N Ceiling sensors 18:34
17:59 VAC Travis LVEA N Close gatevalves 5 & 7 18:27
18:09 VAC Jordan LVEA N Join travis gatevalves 18:27
18:37 TCS TJ, Camilla EndX Y HWS work 20:02
19:17 VAC Travis, Jordan, Gerardo LVEA N Close GVs 5 & 7 19:39
19:50 VAC Fil, Gerardo LVEA, HAM7 N VAC Gauge, reset HV 20:05
20:19 TCS Camilla LVEA N Untrip CO2X 20:22
20:42 FAC Tyler EndX then Y N Crane inspection 23:00
20:57 PEM Robert LVEA N Setup shaker for comis later this week 21:57
21:14 IAS Jason, RyanC, Mitchell LVEA N FARO surveying 23:30
21:15 CAL Tony, Dripta PCal Lab Local Post-maintenance measurement 22:12
21:29 FAC Chris LVEA N FAMIS checks 21:52
21:47 ISC Camilla EX YES Beam profiling 23:12
22:44 VAC Gerardo LVEA N Picture on HAM7 23:00
23:39 SAF Oli, Ibrahim LVEA YES Sweep & transition to HAZARD 00:15
23:44 VAC Jordan, Janos LVEA - Turn off purge air 23:58
23:49 SAF Fil LVEA - Moving crane 00:15
23:51 CAL Tony PCal Lab Local Measurement 23:58