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Reports until 20:44, Tuesday 10 December 2024
masayuki.nakano@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:44, Tuesday 10 December 2024 (81756)
PMC Heater Calibration and Actuation Efficiency Analysis

[Jason, Masayuki]


The PMC heater calibration was performed last week (Tuesday). The calibration involved adjusting the temperature loop set point and monitoring the corresponding changes in PMC temperature and length. The results were validated using previous measurements and compared to similar evaluations at LLO. Additionally, the necessity of the heater for JAC operations was assessed, highlighting it would be needed for long term operation.


PMC Heater Calibration

Reference to LLO Calibration

Monthly Drift Analysis

Implications for JAC Operations

The PZT can be railed in a day from this measurement, so we would need the heater for JAC operation.

Additional Observations

Spikes observed at LHO caused glitches in transmitted power, as shown in the attached plot, and may require resolution. Redesigning the filters could potentially mitigate these anomalies.

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