Reports until 08:15, Friday 13 May 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Friday 13 May 2011 (818)
BSC Assembly Status

(Corey, Jim)

Other than Mitch's never-ending background work of keeping us organized and handling tons of our parts, there was no BSC ISI Assembly work today (waiting for Optics Table Flipper hardware). 

HAMISI#3 Removal Work

Re-payloaded the ISI, Balanced, and then Locked.  At this point lots of grunt work occurred to get the ISI staged for removal:  Shipping Brackets installed, most Walls removed for GS13 access, all (6) GS13's removed, masses removed from Optics Table, and Walls were re-installed. 

Attached are photos of the weights on the Optics Table to balance it and the Shipping Brackets getting helicoiled.

Images attached to this report