Reports until 16:19, Friday 13 December 2024
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Friday 13 December 2024 (81807)
Fri Ops DAY Shift Summary

TITLE: 12/13 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 153Mpc

Locked for most of the shift, but throughout the day, microseism continued climbing and is clearly above the 95th percentile now.  Eventually H1 lost lock (after a 10.5+ hr lock), but have struggled with very high microseism (+ we also had a 6.3 Chilean EQ).  In this downtime, did some To Do items:  (1) LOADed ISC_LOCK  and SQZ_MANAGER nodes, and (2) Ran an Initial Alignment.  Have taken OBSERVATORY MODE to MICROSEISM.  For locking, H1's green arms were fine, but even after the alignment, DRMI struggled (but its flashes looked good); this is what I handed off to Ibrahim.

When H1 does get back to Observing this weekend, if there are periods of the low-range glitching we've had in the last week, Sheila has a request for tests she would like operators to run (see alog81817).