Looked at the spectum of th 50W CO2 lasers on the fast VIGO PVM 10.6 ISS detectors when the CO2 is locked (using the laser's PZT) and unlocked/ free running: time series attached. Small differences <6Hz, see spectrum attached.
Gabriele, Camilla.
We are not sure if this measurement makes sense.
Attached is the same spectrum with the CO2X laser turned off to see the dark noise. It appears that measurement is limited to dark noise of the diode above 40Hz. The ITMX_CO2_ISS_IN_AC channel dark noise is actually above the level when the laser is on, this doesn't make sense to me.
Gabriele and I checked that the H1:TCS-ITM{X,Y}_CO2_ISS_{IN/OUT}_AC filter: de-whiten zpk([20], [0.01], 0.011322, "n"), is as expected from the PD electronics D1201111, undoing the gain of 105dB with the turning point around 20Hz, foton bode plot attached.
This means that both the AC and DC outputs should be the voltage out of the photodetector before the electronics, where the PD shunt resistance was measured to be 66 Ohms.