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Reports until 12:32, Tuesday 17 December 2024
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:32, Tuesday 17 December 2024 (81870)
minor edit to ALS arm guardians

While Oli was ding initial alignment, I saw that the Y arm guardian was in the state ENABLE_WFS although the arm wasn't locked and wasn't well enough aligned to lock.  looking at the code, there was no check that the arm was locked before the locking state returned true, it only checks for errors.  I've changed the return true to happen if H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_STATUS = 1

After doing this I caused an issue by trying to cycle through these states while the INIT_ALIGN guardian was still managing the arm guardians.  The X arm had already run the WFS and completed, but the initial alignment guardian saw that it wasn't locked, and requested it to scan_alignment.  Perhaps this check could be made to only happen if the arm hasn't already offloaded, or if the arm has been in the locking state for a certain amount time. 

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