Sheila, Ibrahim, Jenne, Vicky, Camilla
After Ibrahim told Sheila that DRMI has been struggling to lock, she checked the POP signals and found that somethings been drifting and POP now appears to be clipping, see POP_A_LF trending down. We use this PD in full lock so don''t want any clipping.
We has similar issues last year that gave us stability issues. These issues last year didn't have "IMC" lock-losses so we think this isn't the main issue we've having now but maybe effecting stability.
Trends showing the POP clipping last year, and now. Last year we moved PR3 to removing this slipping while looking at the coherence between ASC-POP_A_NSUM (one of the QPD on the sled in HAM3) and LSC-POP_A (LSC sensor in HAM1): 74578, 74580, 74581.
Similar coherence plots to 74580, for now are show the coherence is bad:
Sheila is moving the PRC cavity now which is improving POPAIR signals, plot attached is the ASC-POP_A_NSUM to LSC-POP_A coherence with DRMI only locked before and during the move. See improvements. Sheila is checking she's in the best position now.
We have been holding 2W with ASC on before powering up, and using the guardian state PR2_SPOT move, which lets us move the sliders on PR3 and moves PR2, IM4 and PRM sliders to follow PR3.
Moving PR3 by -1.7 urad (slider counts) increased the power on LSC POP, and POPAIR 18, but slightly misaligned the ALS comm beatnote. We continued moving PR3 to see how wide the plateau is on LSC POP, we moved it another -3urad without seeing power drop on LSC POP, but the ALS paths started to have trouble staying locked so we stopped there. (POP18 was still improving, but I went to ISCT1 after the OFI vent and adjusted alignment onto that diode 79883 so it isn't a nice reference). I moved PR3 yaw back to 96 urad on the yaw slider (we started at 100urad), a location where we were near the top for POP and POPAIR 18, so in total we started with PR3 yaw at 100 on the slider and ended with 96 on the slider.
Please see Tony's comment about DRMI lock acquisition times here: 81879
When we moved PR3, we inceased the level of light on the POPAIR B diode. That does two things, first it means that the LSC controls were triggered at a lower percentage of the full buildups, which could cause difficulty locking DRMI (we want to maintain the trigger thresholds similar to what was documented in 44348. ). Also, the alignment check that Tony describes won't work well, because we didn't update the threshold the guardian used to decide that the alignment was poor and we needed to do PRMI.
From Tony's historgrams I'm not sure which of these is the main impact on DRMI locking times, if it's the triggering or the alignment check. We updated the trigger levels today, but not the threshold for the alignment check.
In the future we should check all these levels again 44348 when we have a change in power on POPAIR.