TITLE: 12/24 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Microseism
For locks of 1st half of the shift, DRMI had been easy to lock (from RyanC's earlier IA); one can see low frequency (7-9 sec period pretty obvious on ndscopes) oscillations on multiple ASC/LSC signals at ISC states from DRMI to MAX POWER (so far).
I ended up running an Initial Alignment toward the end of the shift, and if anything, locking seems to have gotten worse (more frequent locklosses and only a one lock getting much past DRMI).
And of course, we now have winds beginning to get worse as well.
Wondering if a survey of the SEI hardware (namely, cables or other things contacting the blue crossbeams) would be useful for looking for any possible seismic shorts from the ground bypassing the HEPI system.
I've updated cds_report.py to expect these workstations to be off.