Reports until 13:04, Tuesday 24 December 2024
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:04, Tuesday 24 December 2024 (81968)
troubleshooting instantaneous Resonance Locklosses.

I noticed a pattern of locklosses in the locking process around CARM_TO_REFL or Resonance.
The LOCK_AQU Survey was updated Yesterday with 3 locklosses from Resonance.
Requesting CARM_TO_REFL and allowing that state to complete before moving on to Resonance allowed me to see that there seems to be a consistent lockloss around the point we load a matrix.

Comment out the load  matrix line and sit in Carm_to Refl for a while.
Commenting Out Line 2670 from ISC_Lock, allowed me to stay locked in CARM_TO_REFL seems stable.

For some reason loading this matrix seems to be unlocking the IFO.

After that test that seemed to confirm my suspicion that loading the matrix unlocks the IFO. I had to unlock H1 and try again.... undo my changes.

And Of Course H1 waltzed through CARM_TO_REFL  & Resonance with out issue.....

Conclusion: I should have just eaten my lunch.