Reports until 16:07, Monday 19 July 2010
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Monday 19 July 2010 (82)
After doing another set of yaw adjustments to get the side BOSEMs in range at the Tablecloth and jacking the TC up by a mm or 2, we continued work to install BOSEMs.  So far, we have MO FACE 1,2,3 aligned to 50% OLV, with the rest cabled and mounted to the Tablecloth.  This also required the addition of washers behind the FACE magnet flag assemblies in order to get the flag into the BOSEM range.  (I recall seeing this at LASTI, but had hoped it had been reconciled in the later drawing revisions.  Guess not.)
DV and the "InputSignals.adl" medm both proved healthy and useful for this work.

Richard verified that the uncalibrated signals which go from 0 to ~ -4000 counts indeed correspond to 0-2V, so we can make some calibration of the channels eventually.

Mark Barton came over and began working through input matrices and appropriate signs in various fields.  

AOSEM installation into Q1 is back on hold, while John re-thinks the RGA scans which had a pretty good air leak.

More of the same tomorrow.