Reports until 15:51, Friday 13 May 2011
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Friday 13 May 2011 - last comment - 17:56, Friday 13 May 2011(820)
BSC Assembly Status

(Corey, Doug, Jeff, Jim, Mitch)

HAMISI#3 Prep For Removal

Surgically removed all the cabling from the ISI (Actuator, & GS13 cables).  Installed the final Walls on the assembly.  This ISI is now ready for removal (just need to clean up the Storage Container).  Bagged up the extracted GS13's as well.

BSCISI#1 Work:  Optics Table Flipping & Top Plate Of Optics Table

Finally put the Optics Table Flipper hardware to use.  Unfortunately, there were some CG issues because the part hung quite a bit askew.  So, a wee bit of manhandling was needed for the flip.  The Optics Table was eventually flipped and we took a first round of checking/removing broken helicoil tangs. 

The top-facing Optics Table was then brought into the cleanroom and was laid down on top of the Optics Table.  At this point, Jim & Doug did some dowel pin hole reaming (basically two holes were missed by the machine shops). 

Photos:  include work from today and a big ole pile of broken tangs!

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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 17:56, Friday 13 May 2011 (824)
Nice work guys.

The report I heard from Doug and Jim is that the hole reaming went very well and the gauge pins put the diameter exactly where we wanted.  When the special pins come out of the oven we'll determine if the holes need further adjustment.