Reports until 18:55, Thursday 26 December 2024
H1 CDS (CDS, DetChar)
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:55, Thursday 26 December 2024 (82001)
Services Down: H1 LOCKLOSSES & H1 Summary Pages Are Not Viewable

Can not look at the:

I have been able to look at these pages for L1 with no problem, but for the above, they just time out after a few minutes of trying to load their webpages.

Noticing that all of these are ldas-jobs.ligo-wa, I looked for that and found something via, which led to the CUBE visualization and then clicked on Problems, and under here are several Host & Service problems.  For "ldas-jobs-lho" it has had issues for the last 19hrs (or since midnight last night.

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