Reports until 10:40, Friday 27 December 2024
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:40, Friday 27 December 2024 - last comment - 10:40, Saturday 28 December 2024(82011)
HAM6 Interlock Status After HAM6 Vacuum Gauge Failure Last Night

(Dave Barker, Fil Clara, Jenne Driggers, Corey Gray, Gerardo Moreno, plus those who signed work permit and whom I phoned last night)

Last Night Recap:
Last night at 959pmPT, there was an audible alarm for the HAM6 vacuum gauge (PT110).  Gerardo went out to check to see if it was dead.  He phoned Fil and they did a power cycle of the gauge to see if this would improve the situation, but it did not.  After this, H1 was taken to IDLE for the night (OWL shift cancelled).  (Should have taken Observatory Mode to CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE at this point, but only remembered to do this this morning.)

Work Permit 12260 generated.  Fil arrived on-site around 9amPT (17utc).

This Morning's Summary of Fil's Work:

The HAM6 Interlock (for operations of the Fast Shutter + PZT) is now Using the BSC3 Interlock (or VAC gauge from BSC3 since it was decided to BYPASS the HAM6 VAC gauge which failed last night [alog 82005]).  This means that the BSC3 Interlock is no longer being used for the ITM ESDs (which sounds like it's fine because Jenne/Fil said we don't use the ESDs for the ITMs).

Fil noted that he confirmed that the Fast Shutter Chassis in the LVEA is OPERATIONAL.  Fil then left the site after giving me this summary.

As far as a test of this new HAM6 Interlock configuration, I intentionally ran a test of the AS Port Protection system (sitemap/SYS/ AS Port Protection....this was my first time doing this).  After clicking the RUN (test) button, after a few seconds received an "OK" for the (1) Test & (2) Fault.  After this test and the signed-off Work Permit, we are OK to GO for High Power locking.

Currently running an Initial Alignment (note:  ISC_LOCK initially went into ERROR [red box] when I selected Initial Alignment (screenshot of error message attached).  LOAD-ing ISC_LOCK (suggested in the Log) cleared this up.


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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 12:09, Friday 27 December 2024 (82013)

Sheila reminded me that we do use ITMs for acquisition, so she's making modifications to the guardian so that we'll use ETMY instead of the ITMs for acquisition.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 10:40, Saturday 28 December 2024 (82031)FRS