The /var file system on h1daqnds1 (the default NDS) became 100% full yesterday. This is discovered by the daily central syslogs for this machine increasing from roughly 3GB per day to 19GB yesterday.
For a short term fix, I first removed the syslog.3.gz and syslog.4.gz files to make enough room so I could compress syslog.1 and daemon.1 This reduced the disk down to 50% usage.
To "green up" the alarms system which had been permanently RED since Thursday due to HAM6's gauge going offline I temporarily removed the PT110 channnels from the alarms system and restarted at 10:33 Sun 29dec2024.
As a place holder to remind me to return these channels back to alarms when the gauge is fixed, FRS32957 will remain open.
Channels removed: