1556utc H1 was taken out of observing due to PI24 ringing up (it was damped out within a minute), BUT....
Since we were out of Observing (and I had already gotten a workspace ready to work on the Squeezer), I wanted to try a "simple" Squeezer check (basically what Oli did with taking the Manager to DOWN and going back to FDS.
I thought I was close to FDS, because all of the sub-nodes went to NOMINAL states and then I believe the Manager would get to FDS, but then go to NO SQUEEZING.....Then I realized all their NOMINAL states were set for NO SQUEEZING!
So I worked on transitioning all 8-nodes Nominal states for SQUEEZING, to work on squeezing, but the issue I ran into was that the OPO_LR node had trouble getting to LOCKED_CLF_DUAL due to "USERMSG 0: No pump ISS means injecting bad squeezing. Going DOWN."
--->This sounds like yet another different SQZ issue. I did not have issues with the SQZ_FC as far as I could tell (also did not get to see the "leap second" issue RyanC noted last night).
At this point, I was stumped, but got a mattermost from Sheila saying she could help in a bit. So I switched all SQZ node Nominal states for NO Squeezing to get more Observing in the mean time.
SIDE NOTE: The buisiness for transitioning SQZ Nominal States is not quick or trivial (atleast for my slow self). While transitioning nodes for Observing WITH Squeezing, I ran into a LOADING error for the OPO_LR node. Eventually found that it was a typo in the wiki (for editing all the nodes I copied the state from the wiki into the node python files. I discovered the wiki had a typo [or the state had a slightly different name int he past]. For OPO_LR, the wiki said to make the Nominal -> "LOCK_CLF_DUAL". Eventually figured out from the log, that this name was wrong it is "LOCKED_CLS_DUAL". At any rate, I updated wiki. And now have more Nominal node experience...I think this is only my 2nd or 3rd time going through the buisiness of "editing nominal states" for observing.
Now realizing, I was looking at the "Old Instructions" wiki (hence the typo?).
NOTE: Is it useful having the old instructions in here? When you're under the time gun/clock, I tend to rush, and this time I gravitated to the old instructions (the first time I did this, I do remember looking at the NEW instructions and did an svn-commit of the edited python files.).
With that said, I did get there to Observing with NO Squeezing, AND I did not do anything with the SVN since I'm basically returning to Observing with NO Squeezing again (as RyanC did last night).
Additional Note: Also saw that right on the top of the wiki (under Quick Rundown), that RyanS made a script for the "WITH/WITHOUT Squeezing In Observing" transition, but I didn't get a chance to try it out before going back into Observing.
Good suggestion Corey, I've removed the old instructions from the wiki to avoid future confusion. They are still available in the wiki's history via the "info" button.