Reports until 22:00, Tuesday 31 December 2024
H1 General
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Tuesday 31 December 2024 (82068)
New Years Eve Eve shift End

TITLE: 01/01 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 159Mpc

01:12 UTC Superevent S250101k candidate!

2:04 UTC PI mode 29 has been slightly elevated  for the past 10 minutes. 
H1: SUS-ETMX_PI_ESD_DRIVER_OUT_RIGHT_MON seems like its being driven at close to it's maximum.
No verbal alarm announced yet and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems.

2:16 UTC SQZ Manager not in nominal state. Dropped from Observing.
SQZ_MANAGER dropped to LOCK_PMC  and took around 4 minutes to regain lock.

2:22 UTC H1 Back into Observing.

Checking back in on this PI mode 29  at 5:46 UTC PI Verbal Alarm still not alraming, but it doesn't seem to be negatively impacting the DCPD readouts, sensitivity,  and we've now been locked for 13 + Hours.

Happy new year!

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