While looking at our older squeezer data set, we noitced that mid squeezing is the configuration most sensitive to SRCL detuning. I've taken some data this morning to see if we can use mid squeezing to set the SRCL offset.
- FDS- 1419868694 (observing time)
- no sqz - 1419872620 (more than 2 minutes)
- FIS- 1419873113 - 1419873349
- FI mid sqz - 1419873835 - 1419874157 RF6 phase 217.67 (ref 4) SRCL offset -191cnts
- FI mid sqz 1419874379 -1419874551 RF6 phase 212.93 (ref5) SRCL offset -150 cnts
- FI mid sqz 1419874701 - 1419874912 RF6 phase 206.29 (ref6) SRCL offset -100 cnts
- FI mid SQZ 1419875077 - 1419875255 RF6 phase 222.41 (ref 7) SRCL offset -250 cnts (this wasn't the best tuning of RF6 phase to match no sqz)
- FI mid sqz 1419875335 - 1419875539 RF6 phase 226.20 (ref 8) RF6 phase 226.20 SRCL offset -300
- FI mid sqz 1419875648 - 1419875851 RF6 phase 230.94 (ref 9) SRCL offset -400
- FI mid sqz (other side of elipse) 1419875986 -1419876187 RF6 phase 194.91 (ref10) SRCL offset -400
- FI mid sqz (other side) 1419876294 - 1419876499 RF6 phase 171.21 (ref11) SRCL offset -300
- FI anti-sqz 1419876820 - 1419877029 RF6 phase 98.88 (ref12) srcl OFFSET -191
The dtt file used here is saved in sheila.dwyer/SQZ/FI_mis_sqz_for_SRCL_detuning.xml