Reports until 16:35, Saturday 04 January 2025
H1 General
oli.patane@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Saturday 04 January 2025 (82119)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 01/05 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
SHIFT SUMMARY: Currently relocking and at MAX_POWER. Most of today we were Locked and Observing, but this one lockloss so far hasn't been too bad to relock from. Only issue I had was that ALSY took forever to lock and I ended up having to adjust it manually just a couple of steps.

19:30 Dropped Observing and went to NLN_CAL_MEAS for calibration measurements
20:04 Back to NLN and Observing

22:50 Lockloss
    - I had to touch ALSY because it couldn't lock after 30 minutes of trying, even with SCAN_ALIGNMENT. Just needed to be adjusted a tiny bit in P
    - Ran an initial alignment
    - Continued relocking