In 81863 we looked a the RIN of the CO2 lasers on vs off. Today we repeated with PWM (from Synrad UC-2000), the noise level is considerably higher when PWM is on. Note that this isn't really the RIN as we're not dividing by the DC power.
Data saved to camilla.compton/Documents/tcs/templates/dtt/20250107_CO2_RIN.xml and 20250107_CO2Y_RIN.xml
The CO2Y plots also show the dark noise as there is no photo detector plugged into CO2Y_ISS_IN.
For some of the CO2X data, the CO2 guardian was relocking (sweeping PZT), noted above.
These channels are calibrated in Volts as the detector would output, before the gain of PD's amplifier D1201111 .
DC levels of power on the ISS PDs at the different powers are:
With PWM on, the noise level increases by around a factor of 10. Unsure why the AC channel sees this increase less than the DC channels.
Gabriele, Camilla
Erik showed me that we can look to higher frequencies using H1:IOP-OAF_L0_MADC{2,3}_TP_CH{10-13} channels at 65kHz. Can repeat 50% PWM next week.
Note that these are before the filtering (listed in 81868), we could filters back in with python... but it's mainly gains and some shaping of the AC channel below 20Hz and above 10kHz, a DC roll of is expected around 100kHz as in D1201111. DC values:
Matt Todd and I measured the powers before the CO2X ISS PDs today:
In 82182 using specs of PDs we think we are measuring 30-50mW. We didn't have time to check for clipping with an iris or alignment, both beams looked small but the PD's are also small ~1mmx1mm.