Reports until 13:16, Tuesday 07 January 2025
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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:16, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82158)
Increased timer in PREP_FOR_SRY to help with SRY locking issues

Recently we've been having some issues with SRY locking in initial alignment where even though flashes at AS_A are good, it wouldn't catch the resonant cavity. My thought was that the suspensions are moving too much to catch, and then it would run through the DOWN state after failing to hold it, moving the suspensions again. During initial alignment today this happened to me, so I waited in down for a bit and then tried to lock. It locked straight away, possibly confirming my suspicions. From this, I bumped up a timer in Prep_For_SRY in the ALIGN_IFO node to allow SRM to settle a bit more before trying to acquire. Hopefully this will help with the SRY locking issues we've been having, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Code changes have been loaded and committed.