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Reports until 15:00, Tuesday 07 January 2025
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82160)
SQZ ASC reset edit

Sheila, Camilla

Following up on 82039, where Vicky remotely helped Oli to recover the squeezer alignment.

We have a state called RESET_SQZ_ASC (FDS or FIS), which can be used after something goes wrong with the ASC and someone wants to get rid of what the ASC has done.  This state hadn't been edited since we moved the ASC integrators to the suspension lock filters, so when Vicky and Oli tried it the ASC wasn't really reset making it more difficult to recover from that situation. 

Today we added the LOCK filters to this state, and loaded and ran it.  This should make things a little bit less confusing to debug next time.


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