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Reports until 05:07, Thursday 09 January 2025
H1 General (SQZ)
anthony.sanchez@LIGO.ORG - posted 05:07, Thursday 09 January 2025 (82192)
Early Morning SQZr issues

TITLE: 01/09 Owl Shift: 0600-1530 UTC (2200-0730 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 155Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: USEISM
    Wind: 6mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.03 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.53 μm/s
When I was first woken by the H1, we were in Nominal_Low_Noise, but not observing.
I noticed that the SQZ_MANAGER had an issue.
I was Very much not awake yet, So I just watched SQZ_MANAGER LOG and the SZQ_MAN states and observed the following:
SQZ_MANAGER couldn't get all the way up to FREQ_DEP_SQZ[100] and would hit FC_WAIT_FDS[64] and then drop down to FDS_READY_IFO[50] again.
I then started to read read the error messages we were getting, some beam diverter messages that would flash up quickly.
I then started to read some alog about recent SQZ issues.
I saw this alog from Camilla, which links to Oli's, but I wasn't sure if I was having the same exact issue.

But it did kinda point me in A direction.
I then checked the SQZ_LO_LR and the SQZ_OPO_LR  Guardian nodes & Logs and Init'ed SQZ_LO_LR. This did not solve the issue, but I tried other things from Oli's alog like requesting RESET_SQZ_ASC & RESET SQZ_ANG . I stepped away after hitting init on SQZ_Manager, to wash the sleep from my eyes and it was relocked when I came back. 





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