Reports until 18:16, Friday 10 January 2025
H1 ISC (Lockloss)
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Friday 10 January 2025 - last comment - 12:46, Monday 13 January 2025(82215)
Lockloss 02:06 UTC

Unknown cause lockloss but reasonable to assume it was either microseism or squeeze related (though I'm unsure if SQZ can cause a LL like that).

The lockloss happened as I was adjusting the SQZ OPO temperature since in the last hour, there has been a steady decline in H1:SQZ-CLF_REFL_RF6_ABS_OUTPUT channel. After noticing this, I went out of OBSERVING and into CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE to fix. It was actually working (the channel signal was getting higher with each tap when the LL happened. This coincided with a 5.2 EQ in Ethiopia, which I do not think was the cause but may have moved things while in this high microseim state. I've attached the trends from SQZ overview and OPO temp including the improvements made. If it is possible to induce a LL changing the OPO temp, then this is likely what happened, though the LL did not happen when the temp was being adjusted, as the 3rd screenshot shows.


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ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - 19:59, Friday 10 January 2025 (82216)

Seems that the microseism, the earthquake and SQZ issues also coincided with some 34mph gusts so I will conclude that it was mostly environmental.

Short update on locking: After very slow initial alignment, locking took some time to get through DRMI but managed after going to PRMI (and losing lock due to BS in between). We are now sitting at DARM_OFFSET but signals are not converged after 10 minutes due to a passing 5.0 from guatemala (that I beleive we will survive.

camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 12:46, Monday 13 January 2025 (82249)SQZ

As Ibrahim said, the OPO temp adjustment would not cause a lockloss.

However we can see a this Friday time and two days before, the SQZ angle servo and ASC seem to get into a strange ~13minute oscillation when the OPO temperature is bad and the SQZ angle is around 220deg. See attached plots. We are not sure why this is. Now we are a week from the OPO crystal move 82134, the OPO temperature is becoming more stable but will still need adjusting for the next ~week.

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