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Reports until 15:39, Monday 13 January 2025
jennifer.wright@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Monday 13 January 2025 - last comment - 09:01, Tuesday 14 January 2025(82251)
Measuring PR2 spot position using A2L gains

Sheila, Jennie W


During commissioning window today we measured the P2L and Y2L gains for the PR2 mirror.

This is part of the work to understand how to move the beam on PR2 in order top avoid a reflection and subsquent stray beam off the PR2 scraper baffle (as found in alog #77631 by Annamaria and Robert).

The P2L gain was close to optimised and has been left at -0.36.

The commissioning window ran out before I could finish optimising the Y2L, I have left it at -7.00 which gave better A2L decpupling than the previous value.



 Do this until the line height relative to the background is minimised, allowing time for the ramp and a couple averages each step. One thing to note is that the line height above the background in the PRCL spectrum (LSC-PRCL_OUT_DQ) is much less than the relative height above the background in DARM which suggests that the noise in PRCL is not coupling strongly to DARM.

Switch off the line and set the PIT 9 amplitude to 0 counts.

Then repeat the above for the YAW 9 oscillator channel in the ADS, changing the gain in the Y2L gain filter bank in order to minimise the line height. The reference values for yaw are in the photo linked above with the green line showing DARM (we had gone into NLN cal meas with SRCL FF switched off for Elenna's SRCL tests so that is why DARM shows elevated noise). The orange line is the reference value of PRCL using the nominal Y2L gain. The same amplitude was used in the oscillator for this line but it was much higher above the PRCL background noise than for the pitch degree of freedom.

Template is at /ligo/hom,e/jennifer.wright/git/2025/A2L/20250113_A2L_PR2.xml

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Comments related to this report
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 09:01, Tuesday 14 January 2025 (82265)

While Jennie was optimizing this I noticed that there weren't 30Hz notch filters in PR2s M3 ISCINF bank. As Jenne Driggers noted the last time this was done (alog77855), she wasn't sure if they would be necessary. To check I put some in for P and Y in the FM7 slot and turned them on while coordinating with Jennie. Jennie saw no difference with them on or off so it confirms Jenne D's suspicions. I believe these notches were left on for the remainder of Jennie's optimization.

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