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Reports until 11:53, Thursday 16 January 2025
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Thursday 16 January 2025 (82313)
Filters redone in DCPD A1, A2, and B1, B2 TEST filter banks
J. Kissel

More changes along the lines of LHO:82261. As we continue to explore the configurations of the OMC DCPD channels, probing anti-aliasing and ADC noise, we find it helpful to have all of the frequency-dependent, actual physical channel filter differences available in all four test banks. As such, I've
- changed the name of gain(0.25) filter from "sum2avg" to "sum4avg." Pun intended.
- Copied the DCPD A "NewV2A" and "NewAW" from A0 now called "A_V2A" and "A_AW" into FM2 and FM3, 
- Copied the DCPD B "NewV2A" and "NewAW" from B0 now called "B_V2A" and "B_AW" into FM4 and FM5, and
- Moved all of the channel-independent gains to the bottom row, 
    FM6: "18b_cts2V" gain of 40 / 2^18 [V/ct]
    FM7: "sum4avg" gain of 0.25
    FM8: "A2mA"
- keeping only the FM1, 1 Hz 5th order elliptic highpass and the digital AA decimation filters, Dec65K and Dec16K in FM9 and FM10 in place.

This filter file change has been loaded (because we're not in observing at the moment), and committed to the userapps repo,
         H1IOPOMC0.txt                                rev 30421.
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