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Reports until 07:59, Wednesday 15 January 2025
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:59, Wednesday 15 January 2025 - last comment - 12:13, Tuesday 21 January 2025(82288)
AOM Drive output now connected to CO2X table feedthrough

Camilla, TJ, Marc, Fil. WP#12281

We attached the AOM drive cable from the back of the D1300649 chassis to the lowest TEST point in the PEM feed through photo on the CO2X table. We used two barrel connectors (photos attached) to do this as it looks like there used to be an AOM driver on the table that the signal went into before going to the AOM.  

We thought that we could use the digital filters in the h1tcscs model to create a loop with this output and feed to the Synrad UC-2000 PWM controller (needs 0-10VDC). The max of CTRL2 was capped at +/-2 (unsure why) and this was actually +/- 0.6V on the BNC via an oscilloscope. We'll need to increase this by ~x10 to get PWM to work. Reverted changed sdfs. 

There was an unknown cable also labeled AOM drive coming into the table, not connected to anything photo

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 12:13, Tuesday 21 January 2025 (82380)

Matt Todd and I checked that neither of these BNC barrels were grounded to the CO2X table. 

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