Reports until 12:43, Tuesday 21 January 2025
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:43, Tuesday 21 January 2025 - last comment - 17:06, Tuesday 21 January 2025(82384)
New Configuration of OMC DCPD Test Path Banks :: A couple of options of Copying the 65k and 16k Digital AA Filtering
J. Kissel

Pushing forward and making filter file changes while out of observing, I've changed the arrangement and amount of filtering in the OMC DCPD A1, A2, B1, and B2 banks again. 

Last time, I configured the banks to be analog channel agnostic, so I used up the spare filter banks to include copies of both the A and B analog electronics compensation in each of the four paths (LHO:82313). Talking with Louis and Evan this morning, in light of the discovery that more digital anti-aliasing would be prudent, I instead use up the spare banks for copies of the existing anti-aliasing filters (much like Louis and Evan had done over the weekend).

Check out screenshot of the configuration setup for one test we plan to do: using the 1st attachment in LHO:82375, comparing the performance of the RED, Dec65k*Dec16k filtered nominal trace to GREEN Dec16k*Dec16k and MAGENTA Dec65k*Dec16k*Dec16k. These options, which have lesser phase impact that the straight 2x copy of the existing filters, will also tell us whether it's the frequency content in the signal between 7 and 32 kHz or that of 32 kHz and above that matters in the GW band.
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evan.goetz@LIGO.ORG - 17:06, Tuesday 21 January 2025 (82394)CAL, ISC
I took data from both the A and B TEST paths for the two filter arrangements right now: 2x16k filtering or 2x16k + 1x65k filtering. Attached are ratio plots of the PSD of simple decimation of the filtered data over the PSD of the full data rate filtered data. For both the A and B path, the 2x16k + 1x65k filtering (orange curve) is much better than just 2x16k filtering (blue curve). This is shown by the orange curve having values much closer to 1 over a broader frequency range than the blue curves.
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