Reports until 11:31, Tuesday 28 January 2025
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:31, Tuesday 28 January 2025 - last comment - 14:01, Tuesday 28 January 2025(82502)
Beam measurements taken at EY HWS, HWS laser left off.

Matt Todd, Camilla C.  Contuined from 82281. Layout D1400241.

We swapped HWS the fiber from 200um to 50um and used the CFCS11-A adjustable SMA fiber collimator to make the beam as small as possible (at the limit of collimator), it still was larger than when this work was done at EX 81734, too large to align. 

Instead we took some beam profile measurements of the beam out of the collimator, they are attached along with a photo of the table, L3 had been removed already. There was some strange wings on the beam profiler photo making the D4Sigma values unusable, photo attached. 

 Left the HWS laser off as it isn't aligned. 

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matthewrichard.todd@LIGO.ORG - 14:01, Tuesday 28 January 2025 (82507)

I've done some fitting, seems like an oddly small beam at the waist...but it's what the fit shows. I'll also try and confirm this by looking at the divergence angle coming from the 50um fiber and lens strength of the collimater.

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