WP 12296 Patrick T., Gerardo M., Dave B. This work has been completed. The PLC code on h0vacmr is now running git version 3687c4fc15a718dc18aa07996ebcc79a57df2810 at https://git.ligo.org/cds/ifo/beckhoff/lho-vacuum. The MEDM screens have been updated. Dave has completed the associated DAQ restart. Since the vacuum PLC library code changed to add the Agilent IPCMini Ion Pump Controller, I built the updated library and installed it as part of this work. I ran into memory issues again, where it complained that too much memory was in use when I tried to open more than one Visual Studio instance. I ran into a number of errors running the Powershell script that generates the TwinCAT Visual Studio solution. A screenshot of one of them is attached. The others had more error messages, but I didn't catch them in a screenshot. The last attempt displayed an error, I think the one in the attached screenshot, but seemed to generate a working TwinCAT Visual Studio solution, so I left it at that and used it. During the process of trying to get the script to run I restarted the computer and cleaned out the modified and unversioned files in the git checkout.