Reports until 16:37, Saturday 01 February 2025
LHO General
ibrahim.abouelfettouh@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Saturday 01 February 2025 (82581)
OPS Day Shift Summary

TITLE: 02/02 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 150Mpc

IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 09:29 UTC (15 hr lock!) with a two drops from OBSERVING

OBS Drop 1: Planned Saturday Calibration Sweep - alog 82579 - CALIBRATION from 19:32 to 20:15 UTC (~45 mins)

OBS Drop 2: SQZ opo lockloss - PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE from 21:51 to 23:31 UTC (~1hr 40 mins). Details below.

Troubleshooting with Camilla and Sheila led to the same conclusion that the SHG power was too low. Sheila determined that it was as high as it could go but tuning the SHG temperature gave it some extra power, which is ultimately what allowed SQZ-OPO CONTROLMON signal to get back to a lockable number. This will likely need to be readjusted since it is slowly going down in counts if the opo/sqz have issues locking (though may have leveled out check screenshot). The instructions are: Sitemap -> SQZ -> SQZT0 -> Colorful SHG Box -> Set Temperature and such that H1:SQZ-SHG_GR_DC_POWERMON is maximized in counts (picture below of Sheila's adjustments). Accepted SHG temp change SDF attached.

Other SQZ Adjustments:

Other: the H2 building had a temperature excursion overnight that prompted Dave to troubleshoot with me first remotely and then in-person. He came on site to see the issue with the HVAC not keeping the temperature low (set point was 67 but temp went all the way to over 80). Since power cycling failed, Jonathan and Dave agreed to turn off non-essential computers and electronics until they can more thoroughly investigate the issue during the week. I've attacched the H2 Building Environment medm which shows the temperature peaking at 85F before electronics were turned off and thermostats power cycled. The blue trace shoes the air flow failing to correctly adjust with the temperature and the red trace shows the temperature.



Images attached to this report