TITLE: 02/02 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 143Mpc
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 20:31 UTC
Many, many issues today all SQZ related. In short, our range is terrible and we know it is SQZ related.
Most of the story can be found in alog 82588 (and comments) but to summarize:
- SQZ phase adjustment guardian was oscillating all over the place so Sheila and I turned it off. SQZ was well locked and we went into observing with good range knowing that this will degrade slowly as we thermalize. The plan was to edit the phase once thermalized
- Edited line 52 statment from true to false in sqzparams.py
- Then edited SQZ_ANG_ADJUST guardiuan's nominal state to be "DOWN" in order to allow SQZ_MANAGER to talk let us OBSERVE
- Once thermalized, I attempted to optimize the range and the opo temp but neither of these worked. I noticed that the SHG power had plummeted significantly since we locked and so I did what Sheila and I did yesterday and this morning and adjusted the SHG temp to give it more power, which worked but as with last few days, power just plummets and settles (screenshot 1). SDF also attached (screenshot 2).
- The main issue right now is the low frequency squeezing is quite bad, with the trace a bit above the FDS reference line, which was the opposite issue from yesterday, which I do not know how to fix but have tried looking at the wiki, and optimizing via the controls I am able to reliably alter to maximize range.
- For a full story, check out the following alogs in addition to the one linked above: Tony's alog 82585 and alog 82581
Otherwise, Dave did a vacstat restart due to a glitch - alog 82595