Closes FAMIS 26355, Last checked in alog 82451
Laser Status:
NPRO output power is 1.845W
AMP1 output power is 70.07W
AMP2 output power is 135.9W
NPRO watchdog is GREEN
AMP1 watchdog is GREEN
AMP2 watchdog is GREEN
PDWD watchdog is GREEN
It has been locked 5 days, 21 hr 55 minutes
Reflected power = 27.05W
Transmitted power = 101.4W
PowerSum = 128.4W
It has been locked for 0 days 0 hr and 49 min
TPD[V] = 0.7664V
The diffracted power is around 3.2%
Last saturation event was 0 days 0 hours and 49 minutes ago
Possible Issues:
PMC reflected power is high