Sheila, Camilla, Matt Todd
Sheila, Ibrahim, Tony and Ryan S had lots of SQZ issues over the weekend: 82588, 82599, 82597, 82585, 82581
Changed made to avoid these:
- To avoid mis-clicks changing alignment:
- Sheila commented out any PSAMS changes from SQZ_MANAGER
- To stop SQZ angle servo oscillating with a ~15 minute range, see attached plot (note we also saw it oscillate when OPO temp was wrong in 82249):
- In SQZ_ANG_ADJUST, Sheila reduced the servo gain from 0.5 to 0.1
- In SQZ_ANG_ADJUST, Sheila removed the checker that only changed the SQZ phase if it was >3deg off.
- SHG power has been low this weekend:
- We think this was due to the Zone 4 LVEA temp dropping ~0.4degF, see attached plot. Shiela/Ibrahim then adjusted the temperature while the LVEA was colder to improve the SHG green power, but once it warmed up this was not the correct temperature. I've added to the SQZ wiki to help troubleshoot this in the future.
- RESET_SQZ_ASC had incorrect gains hardcoded into it and resets only ZM4 and ZM5 when we are using ZM4 and ZM6:
- Matt edited this save the sus lock gains for ZM4,5,6, reset them and then turn them back to their previous values.
- We tested this by taking SQZ_MANAGER to NO_SQUEEZING and then OFFLOAD_SQZ_ASC, put back in SQZ and then went to RESET_SQZ_ASC_FDS (which clears all ASC)
- This now works well and can be used if SQZ angle/ ASC runs away. I reduced the limits for when the SQZ angle is reset form 100-250 to now if outside 150-250deg.
- After the OMC alignment was changed, the SQZ looked a lot better. We ran SQZ_SQZANG_FDS to check the best sqz angle plot here, then adjusted adf deg 1deg, sdf.
I'm also updating SQZ troubleshooting wiki, to hopefully be more clear and allow the operator team to more easily solve future SQZ issues.